Sunday, August 8, 2010
For anybody that has ever known one Rick Steele, they will testify that a certain pretentious restlessness is voiced. At times, Rick will say that this restlessness make up much up the winds that take to his sails. And while this can be philosophized till Rick turns to dust; philosophy will not do much in replacing restlessness with peace. And ultimately the majority of human begins...including this Rick Steele is after peace of heart. Kabir, an Indian Mystic poet, put it this way: "I laugh when I hear the fish in the sea are thirsty".-taken from the book THE WISE HEART.
Comparing three years ago to today, observations would show that in the modern day American culture, Rick's life has had dramatic turns that would likely cause some range of neurotic restlessness in most. 3 years ago, Rick lived in a marriage that appeared to be headed till death did him part. This marriage took place in a brand new town home that had been bought by the two involved in this marriage. Over 2000 square feet to roam in along with three playful felines. A festive time and much of the "american dream". Rick had recently finished his Graduate program, gotten his LPC license and obtained employment at a local community clinic. Together the two married individuals brought in enough cheddar to feed a mouse village in desert for an entire lifetime! Rick's extended family was supportive of his endeavors and communicated support for a vision that they possessed. Annie Dillard reminds us that "There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by".
Shortly after this period of history, Rick found himself in the middle of the facts of life. Smack dab in the realities that death is a part of life. First-the death of a dream...The marriage crumbled and went into the mystery of the universe. Rick's father passed to dust from a ten year battle with health related short comings of the human body. The cozy house turned into a small womb of an apartment. The cats were left to enliven the life of one half of the spirits that had united in marriage. Rick's possessions now fit into whatever could be crammed into small spaces in both Rick's heart and physical space of rent. The death of Rick's Extended family was had in part because of paradigms and pride.
Along the way, Rick become friendly with affairs of the heart and loneliness. A combination that does not sit kindly with restlessness.
To shorten this tale, we skip to where what has been labeled "restlessness" led Rick to Colorado. Now surrounding Rick's vision this morning is unemployment, the shelter of a bedroom and scattered possessions. And now Rick works to get back to laughing at the fact that fish always have water.
Comparing three years ago to today, observations would show that in the modern day American culture, Rick's life has had dramatic turns that would likely cause some range of neurotic restlessness in most. 3 years ago, Rick lived in a marriage that appeared to be headed till death did him part. This marriage took place in a brand new town home that had been bought by the two involved in this marriage. Over 2000 square feet to roam in along with three playful felines. A festive time and much of the "american dream". Rick had recently finished his Graduate program, gotten his LPC license and obtained employment at a local community clinic. Together the two married individuals brought in enough cheddar to feed a mouse village in desert for an entire lifetime! Rick's extended family was supportive of his endeavors and communicated support for a vision that they possessed. Annie Dillard reminds us that "There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by".
Shortly after this period of history, Rick found himself in the middle of the facts of life. Smack dab in the realities that death is a part of life. First-the death of a dream...The marriage crumbled and went into the mystery of the universe. Rick's father passed to dust from a ten year battle with health related short comings of the human body. The cozy house turned into a small womb of an apartment. The cats were left to enliven the life of one half of the spirits that had united in marriage. Rick's possessions now fit into whatever could be crammed into small spaces in both Rick's heart and physical space of rent. The death of Rick's Extended family was had in part because of paradigms and pride.
Along the way, Rick become friendly with affairs of the heart and loneliness. A combination that does not sit kindly with restlessness.
To shorten this tale, we skip to where what has been labeled "restlessness" led Rick to Colorado. Now surrounding Rick's vision this morning is unemployment, the shelter of a bedroom and scattered possessions. And now Rick works to get back to laughing at the fact that fish always have water.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Life is to be lived...let us not forget
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.
I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose.
I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?'
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!' and she gave me a giant squeeze.
'Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?' I asked.
She jokingly replied, 'I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids...'
'No seriously,' I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
'I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!' she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.
We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop I was always mesmerized listening to this 'time machine' as she shared her wisdom and expe rience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went.
She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet.
I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor.
Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, 'I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.'
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, 'We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!
There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those withregrets.'
She concluded her speech by courageously singing 'The Rose.'
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago.
One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that
it's never too late to be all you can possibly be
I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose.
I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?'
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!' and she gave me a giant squeeze.
'Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?' I asked.
She jokingly replied, 'I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids...'
'No seriously,' I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
'I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!' she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.
We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop I was always mesmerized listening to this 'time machine' as she shared her wisdom and expe rience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went.
She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet.
I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor.
Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, 'I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.'
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, 'We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!
There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those withregrets.'
She concluded her speech by courageously singing 'The Rose.'
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives.
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago.
One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that
it's never too late to be all you can possibly be
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tension of opposites
June 1 2010
Trickster figures are very well known in my life. Many of the interesting figures I have followed in my lifetime for me in this world would fall into this category. From the numerous comedians (in my opinion the modern version of the story tellers that were probably considered heretics in past generations) to folk singers who tell a tale of possibility and give messages of change in various forms to the voices arising from politics and even the local Non-profit leaders. My generation has made whole industries originating from trickster figures. Much of the Internet, entertainment industry and the “Me” (as Time magazine so effectively made Man of the year a few short years ago) generation(s) are made up of figures that are modern trickster figures.
I watched a documentary on Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson today. There were depictions of Trickster figures everywhere throughout the video and especially his life. The baby boom generation must have needed a myriad of powerful and well defined trickster figures. The 60’s and 70’s in the western hemisphere have been depicted as such a turbulent time of much needed changes for generations to come.
Very…and I mean…very…generally trickster figures are the deity breaker of the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually, albeit unintentionally, with ultimately positive effects. Often, the rule-breaking takes the form of tricks (e.g. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks.
I am no different. For the majority of individuals that have known me intimately in some capacity of my life, I am a trickster figure of sorts…thus the name of this Blog (sirmockalot). I feel it coursing through my veins. I identify with it and ultimately this term will go down as a powerful archetype for my life…often bordering on destruction, but always present for changes and what I have perceived as miracles of change in my existence.
With that being said I sit in what depth psychology or whoever coined the term…holding the tension of opposites phase of my life. I am most joyful for being in Colorado, but have current fears that the changes that are needed to make this move happen aren’t happening quick enough to survive the move.
Many of my world witnessed my last few years. I had many struggles as we all do. But as I was leaving Houston, I had many areas of my life going the ways that I would want. However as a typical trickster figure usually does, I rolled the dice and changed the rules of my life. I moved to Denver. This was partially done for preservation sake and partially done as an example to my world that I would not sit in any area of my life without total freedom to pick my path. I was beginning to pick up steam as a therapist in preaching to whoever crossed my path to go for whatever someone felt was a path calling them. The same could be said for individuals surrounding my life.
So far the trip has been pretty much what I imagined. I have caught up with old friends, spent countless hours both enjoying and being healed by nature, stopped for a moment my world from spinning with modern responsibilities and mostly felt the freest I have ever felt in life. But the move has also come with a trip to the underworld of uneasiness and uncertainty. I live with limited savings that separate me from homelessness. I sit with pains of loss and grief that continue to bite at my psyche. I sit with breaking down the majority of ideas that were taught to me from a little kid about security of family, employment and finances. I sit with the unknown. This has been hard for someone that was always taught to be responsible and make a better future for oneself…after all this is the painted American dream landscape right. And after all I have spent 37 years in school and making sacrifices to create stability and have the “American Dream”. You get the picture…I love being back in Colorado, but it has come with sacrifice and a shadow side.
I was sitting here thinking what was the message I desired to give in the first actual blog that I have ever written? I have set the picture for you….for the slow ones…or confused due to my ADHD style of writing….! I am a trickster figure in need of understanding my own changes instead of attempting to making changes in my environment through my (usually) trickster ways. In pondering this today, I came across a story that might be good to tell….for it has given me hope for tonight.
What I ran across was part of the story of Psyche. Properly for this story and my life, psyche is the Greek word for soul. It's also the Greek word for butterfly. Again very briefly, one version behind the story of Psyche is PSYKHE (or Psyche) was the goddess of the soul, wife of Eros the god of love. She was once a mortal princess whose astounding beauty earned the ire of Aphrodite when men turned their worship from goddess to girl. Aphrodite commanded Eros make Psykhe fall in love with the most hideous of men, but the god himself fell in love with her and carried her away to his secret palace. However Eros hid his true identity, and commanded her never to look upon his face. Psykhe was eventually tricked by her jealous sisters into gazing upon the face of god, and he abandoned her. In her despair, she searched throughout the world for her lost love, and eventually came into the service of Aphrodite. The goddess commanded her perform a series of difficult labours which culminated in a journey to the Underworld. In the end Psykhe was reunited with Eros and the couple wed in a ceremony attended by the gods.
I want to focus on part of Psyche’s journey to the underworld. Before psyche goes to the underworld, she plans on throwing herself off a high tower in order to fulfill one of the acts that Aphrodite has commanded her to do…which was to go to the underworld. Remembering that Psyche is doing on of this for the love of Eros…as I am making this move for the love of both freedom and Colorado. Psyche figured that the only way she knew to travel to the underworld was to kill herself. Long story short, the tower informs Psyche that there is another way. After instructing psyche of the way, the tower also gives psyche guidance and direction on how to survive her journey to the underworld. As with all of us traveling to and fro the underworlds of our lives, instruction can be found through various forms.
Anyways, psyche is given the instruction one version of the story goes like this…The advice: "Psyche, there is another way to finish this task. Go into the underworld via the Vent of Dis. Take coins with you for the ferryman. Take two cakes for the three-headed dog; one to let you into the underworld, and one to let you out again." And then the tower warns her saying, "Three times you will be asked for help, Psyche. You must harden your heart to pity, refuse, and go on." And so Psyche does. Three times she is asked by very pathetic creatures or people to stop for a moment and help. Each time she remembers the advice. She says "No" and she walks on. She gives one of the coins to the ferryman who ferries her across. Even as she's going across the River Styx, a pathetic man says, "Just hold my hand and pull me across. I didn't have a coin." But she ignores his plea. There was one other piece of advice from the tower. "Psyche, once you get the beauty ointment in the box, DON'T OPEN THE BOX!" (Laughter)
…And what happens- Psyche enters the underworld, gives the three-headed dog one cake, fills the box with beauty, gives the three-headed dog another cake, comes back across the river (because she has one more coin) and returns to the upper world. All of the advice that the tower gave her was good. Psyche, having done exactly what the tower told her understands that, if she had stopped to help, she would have had to lend a hand. In each hand she had one cake and one coin. Had she lost what she was holding, she would not have had the means to return from the underworld.
I read this and thought and so…what’s the point to this myth tale? And then I ran across this…and the moral to this posting:
People in the transition often have limited amounts of strength, health or energy as they go into the underworld. For example, the story of Psyche speaks to people living with cancer. They say, "Cancer was a cure for my co-dependency. Cancer was a way in which I could say to people, "I can't do that." The ability to say "No" is one of the challenges for a feeling man or the feminine psyche. When other people expect you to always be there for them, and you break form by saying "No," you create a crisis in a relationship. It may be that you need to not stay in the underworld of your own depression or your own addiction or your own whatever it is, it is there. Addiction, illness, and depression are images of the underworld that you need to get through in order to get out. This liminal period of transition is a very long one. The tasks to be done keep on growing. It's hard. It's scary. If you're going to make it through this transition to the new phase of your life in which you have integrated the new you, with all that you are for the next phase of your life, you've got to often learn to say "No." Otherwise the people who have expectations of you will use your energy. Say "No," and they'll say, "You're selfish." Psyche manages to do all of that. She returns to the upper world. She's no longer in the underworld. She has made it through.
So at the end of this first posting…I impart a lesson that I feel I was blessed to come across tonight. A modern version of the ancient trickster figure sits and attempts to understand how to not only sit with the tension of opposites, but to overcome his images and participation of Addiction, illness, and depression as well. If you find yourselves a similar time in your lives, I encourage you to do the same.
Trickster figures are very well known in my life. Many of the interesting figures I have followed in my lifetime for me in this world would fall into this category. From the numerous comedians (in my opinion the modern version of the story tellers that were probably considered heretics in past generations) to folk singers who tell a tale of possibility and give messages of change in various forms to the voices arising from politics and even the local Non-profit leaders. My generation has made whole industries originating from trickster figures. Much of the Internet, entertainment industry and the “Me” (as Time magazine so effectively made Man of the year a few short years ago) generation(s) are made up of figures that are modern trickster figures.
I watched a documentary on Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson today. There were depictions of Trickster figures everywhere throughout the video and especially his life. The baby boom generation must have needed a myriad of powerful and well defined trickster figures. The 60’s and 70’s in the western hemisphere have been depicted as such a turbulent time of much needed changes for generations to come.
Very…and I mean…very…generally trickster figures are the deity breaker of the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually, albeit unintentionally, with ultimately positive effects. Often, the rule-breaking takes the form of tricks (e.g. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks.
I am no different. For the majority of individuals that have known me intimately in some capacity of my life, I am a trickster figure of sorts…thus the name of this Blog (sirmockalot). I feel it coursing through my veins. I identify with it and ultimately this term will go down as a powerful archetype for my life…often bordering on destruction, but always present for changes and what I have perceived as miracles of change in my existence.
With that being said I sit in what depth psychology or whoever coined the term…holding the tension of opposites phase of my life. I am most joyful for being in Colorado, but have current fears that the changes that are needed to make this move happen aren’t happening quick enough to survive the move.
Many of my world witnessed my last few years. I had many struggles as we all do. But as I was leaving Houston, I had many areas of my life going the ways that I would want. However as a typical trickster figure usually does, I rolled the dice and changed the rules of my life. I moved to Denver. This was partially done for preservation sake and partially done as an example to my world that I would not sit in any area of my life without total freedom to pick my path. I was beginning to pick up steam as a therapist in preaching to whoever crossed my path to go for whatever someone felt was a path calling them. The same could be said for individuals surrounding my life.
So far the trip has been pretty much what I imagined. I have caught up with old friends, spent countless hours both enjoying and being healed by nature, stopped for a moment my world from spinning with modern responsibilities and mostly felt the freest I have ever felt in life. But the move has also come with a trip to the underworld of uneasiness and uncertainty. I live with limited savings that separate me from homelessness. I sit with pains of loss and grief that continue to bite at my psyche. I sit with breaking down the majority of ideas that were taught to me from a little kid about security of family, employment and finances. I sit with the unknown. This has been hard for someone that was always taught to be responsible and make a better future for oneself…after all this is the painted American dream landscape right. And after all I have spent 37 years in school and making sacrifices to create stability and have the “American Dream”. You get the picture…I love being back in Colorado, but it has come with sacrifice and a shadow side.
I was sitting here thinking what was the message I desired to give in the first actual blog that I have ever written? I have set the picture for you….for the slow ones…or confused due to my ADHD style of writing….! I am a trickster figure in need of understanding my own changes instead of attempting to making changes in my environment through my (usually) trickster ways. In pondering this today, I came across a story that might be good to tell….for it has given me hope for tonight.
What I ran across was part of the story of Psyche. Properly for this story and my life, psyche is the Greek word for soul. It's also the Greek word for butterfly. Again very briefly, one version behind the story of Psyche is PSYKHE (or Psyche) was the goddess of the soul, wife of Eros the god of love. She was once a mortal princess whose astounding beauty earned the ire of Aphrodite when men turned their worship from goddess to girl. Aphrodite commanded Eros make Psykhe fall in love with the most hideous of men, but the god himself fell in love with her and carried her away to his secret palace. However Eros hid his true identity, and commanded her never to look upon his face. Psykhe was eventually tricked by her jealous sisters into gazing upon the face of god, and he abandoned her. In her despair, she searched throughout the world for her lost love, and eventually came into the service of Aphrodite. The goddess commanded her perform a series of difficult labours which culminated in a journey to the Underworld. In the end Psykhe was reunited with Eros and the couple wed in a ceremony attended by the gods.
I want to focus on part of Psyche’s journey to the underworld. Before psyche goes to the underworld, she plans on throwing herself off a high tower in order to fulfill one of the acts that Aphrodite has commanded her to do…which was to go to the underworld. Remembering that Psyche is doing on of this for the love of Eros…as I am making this move for the love of both freedom and Colorado. Psyche figured that the only way she knew to travel to the underworld was to kill herself. Long story short, the tower informs Psyche that there is another way. After instructing psyche of the way, the tower also gives psyche guidance and direction on how to survive her journey to the underworld. As with all of us traveling to and fro the underworlds of our lives, instruction can be found through various forms.
Anyways, psyche is given the instruction one version of the story goes like this…The advice: "Psyche, there is another way to finish this task. Go into the underworld via the Vent of Dis. Take coins with you for the ferryman. Take two cakes for the three-headed dog; one to let you into the underworld, and one to let you out again." And then the tower warns her saying, "Three times you will be asked for help, Psyche. You must harden your heart to pity, refuse, and go on." And so Psyche does. Three times she is asked by very pathetic creatures or people to stop for a moment and help. Each time she remembers the advice. She says "No" and she walks on. She gives one of the coins to the ferryman who ferries her across. Even as she's going across the River Styx, a pathetic man says, "Just hold my hand and pull me across. I didn't have a coin." But she ignores his plea. There was one other piece of advice from the tower. "Psyche, once you get the beauty ointment in the box, DON'T OPEN THE BOX!" (Laughter)
…And what happens- Psyche enters the underworld, gives the three-headed dog one cake, fills the box with beauty, gives the three-headed dog another cake, comes back across the river (because she has one more coin) and returns to the upper world. All of the advice that the tower gave her was good. Psyche, having done exactly what the tower told her understands that, if she had stopped to help, she would have had to lend a hand. In each hand she had one cake and one coin. Had she lost what she was holding, she would not have had the means to return from the underworld.
I read this and thought and so…what’s the point to this myth tale? And then I ran across this…and the moral to this posting:
People in the transition often have limited amounts of strength, health or energy as they go into the underworld. For example, the story of Psyche speaks to people living with cancer. They say, "Cancer was a cure for my co-dependency. Cancer was a way in which I could say to people, "I can't do that." The ability to say "No" is one of the challenges for a feeling man or the feminine psyche. When other people expect you to always be there for them, and you break form by saying "No," you create a crisis in a relationship. It may be that you need to not stay in the underworld of your own depression or your own addiction or your own whatever it is, it is there. Addiction, illness, and depression are images of the underworld that you need to get through in order to get out. This liminal period of transition is a very long one. The tasks to be done keep on growing. It's hard. It's scary. If you're going to make it through this transition to the new phase of your life in which you have integrated the new you, with all that you are for the next phase of your life, you've got to often learn to say "No." Otherwise the people who have expectations of you will use your energy. Say "No," and they'll say, "You're selfish." Psyche manages to do all of that. She returns to the upper world. She's no longer in the underworld. She has made it through.
So at the end of this first posting…I impart a lesson that I feel I was blessed to come across tonight. A modern version of the ancient trickster figure sits and attempts to understand how to not only sit with the tension of opposites, but to overcome his images and participation of Addiction, illness, and depression as well. If you find yourselves a similar time in your lives, I encourage you to do the same.
Monday, May 31, 2010
There is a category called "Pages" to the side of this Blog. I have begun creating list of various links. Please feel free to add to or send me suggestions to add. My vision is to create through my network of various associates a useful and compact list of references.
Musicians of interest to me
I am going to begin creating a list and displaying musicians that are of interest to me. Music has such a powerful effect on my life that I would also invite any of you to do the same. I see many of you already posting music videos on Facebook. Begin sharing these on my Blog as well. Eventually I would like to make two growing list. One has various influential musicians in our combined lives. The other list I want to contain influential lyrics. Cheers to posting. Rick
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Story behind Pandora's Jar (box) Analogy for life
Pandora's Box
retold by Robert Hoffman
As the mists of time part and show us the past we see that even before the time of men, before our puny struggles and trials, there was life on the earth. If we look closely we can see the battles of the Titans and the Olympians. Such battles as men have never witnessed raged. Mountains were cast down and trampled under the fierce feet of the Titans. Thunderbolts pierced the sky and the lightning crowned the ever-restless waves.
Every day brought another victory or defeat for the forces involved in the struggle. For countless ages the battle continued. In this time before man neither side was assured victory. Even the immortals themselves had doubts. In time, the immortals became stronger. Because of this the great war was finally stilled. Zeus and his family had won the war and as victors, divided the earth.
Poseidon, Zeus' brother, was given dominion over the sea and its creatures. Since the earth was mostly sea it was a high honor. Often Zeus would look from Olympus and see Poseidon dancing in the waves as he cast about the earth. Such tempests he could throw for fun. But Zeus knew there was more to this than was readily apparent. For when Poseidon threw his storms over the waters he was only keeping his skills sharp in case their enemies should rise.
To his brother, Hades, he gave the underworld. This was the end of all creatures and because of this was considered to be important -- if dreary and somber. Though even Zeus had trouble seeing into the gloom that constantly swept that hard land there came a time when he too could hear the lost souls moaning for their loss of life and love. Though Zeus shuddered when he heard their cries he knew his brother was well satisfied and that was important.
With each of his kin satisfied life became wonderful for the immortals. Each pleasure sought was a pleasure gained. Everything they wanted was theirs and more.
As much as each desired the tranquility and serenity of this life there was another part of them that longed for the changes brought by confrontation. Having no wish to resurrect their enemies Zeus cast about for some other way to amuse his brothers and sisters.
From the clay of the earth he created the first creature that could reason. Man, he called him. When his creation desired another name Zeus granted he be called Epimetheus.
Epimetheus lived much like the gods. Sickness and even death were unknown. He was content and because of this his actions became predictable.
From his high seat on Olympus Zeus watched Epimetheus go about his day in happiness. Zeus gave Epimetheus dominion over the earth and its creatures. Epimetheus responded by praising Zeus. Zeus relished his praise.
But endless praise, in time, becomes as boring as no praise and Zeus decided to help his creation by giving him a mate. He called his brothers and sisters together and told them of his plan, "We must make this creature, this woman, to be like Epimetheus and yet unlike him. Where we took the best of all of us and created the man, this woman must be different."
"What do you mean, different?"
"Poseidon, this creature must be different in every way from man. Where man is hard, she will be soft. Where man is strong she will be weak. Where man is foolish, she will be wise. Where man is brave she will be timid. Where man shall be scared she will be brave."
"But, when they combine their talents won't they rival us?"
"Of course, but we won't tell them." Zeus said with a smile.
"You know best, brother. What can we give to help?" The sea god said as his beard began to dry and blow in the freshening breeze. Zeus rose from the throne and walked among them. With a stern look over his marble-like face he said, "From each of you I want the opposites in the world. When we give the woman the gift of love, we will also give the gift of jealousy. Where we give creature weakness, we must give her strength. We will make her appearance rival that of Aphrodite, but her insecurity will cause her to become vain. In time all of the contrary elements we can bring will be combined."
"Zeus, what shall you call this woman?"
"Hades, I shall call her Pandora.
"I see. Pandora means all. Very good."
And so the elements of the earth were gathered and separated according to their properties. To an intelligent mind the gift of an overwhelming curiosity was given. Zeus asked Athena why she gave this pair. Athena replied, "Though they seem to not be the opposite, they truly are. For as much as curiosity can lead to knowledge, curiosity eventually leads to the loss of that same knowledge. While knowledge is good and strong, it can be weakened by the need to know too much."
Zeus, a cloud passing over his countenance, finally smiled. "I see, Athena, but will the subtlety be lost on these creatures?"
"Perhaps. Perhaps. But we must give them the chance to be more together than they can ever be alone. Don't you agree?"
"Yes, I do." He said with the cloud moving away and the light of his smile warming the hearts of all.
When Epimetheus found Zeus' gift he was delighted. She was clever with her fingers and could do many of the things that troubled him. For all the time he had been living he had never managed to be patient enough to weave leaves together into a cup for the pure water that flowed from the earth. She mastered this almost immediately and Epimetheus took special care to thank the gods for their wonderful gift.
But on Olympus complacency soon lead to boredom and one day after a tiring day of hearing himself praised he called Hades to him. "Listen, I want you to go to the dark places you know so well and gather what you find. I want the sprites of disease, hunger, hopelessness, cruelty, and the rest. Bind them into a strong box and bring it to me."
"What for, brother?"
"Hades, I have my reasons. Please do as I ask."
"Of course."
The sun shone brightly overhead for the morning rain had passed leaving the world lush and green. Together Pandora and Epimetheus sat under an olive tree and tasted of the sweet gift of Athena once more. Up the road they saw a man walking carrying a heavy box. Together they ran to see if they might be of some help. Pandora asked, "Can we help carry your burden?" The traveler looked deeply into her eyes and with a hint of sadness said, "Yes, I suppose you must."
Together Epimetheus and Pandora picked up the large box and carried it as they led the stranger to the shade of the olive tree. Placing the box down gently Pandora ran to fetch some clear water. Quickly she fashioned the reeds into a cup and brought the cool drink to the stranger.
With a sigh he accepted her gift and drank deeply of the blood of the earth. The stern look on his face finally began to ease and he knew he must continue his journey. "If it wouldn't be too much to ask, could I leave my chest here for a while? I need to hurry to complete my journey." Epimetheus looked over the young man and smiled, "Of course. Your box will be safe with us. Come after it when you will -- it will be here."
"Listen, Epimetheus and Pandora, you must not attempt to look inside. There could be terrible consequences if you do."
Epimetheus nodded his understanding and smiled," Don't worry about it. Nothing will disturb your box."
Pandora nodded her agreement, but her eyes never left the carefully decorated box. When the young man left to continue his journey he was suddenly gone. Epimetheus smiled, as he knew that he must have been one of the immortals.
Days passed and the box stood where the stranger had placed it. Often Pandora would look at the beautiful designs carved into its surface and wonder. She thought that anyone who could create such beauty for the outside of a container must have something special beyond comprehension enclosed.
Athena's seed of curiosity began to grow. Soon Pandora was spending every waking hour examining the box. Though she could not read, she knew there were words written in gold on the top of the box. The carvings of the men and women were beautiful and for hours she would let her fingers trace the designs quietly while an ever-growing curiosity encompassed her.
One day when Epimetheus was away for a minute Pandora placed her ear close to the box to see if any sound would escape. In a voice so faint it might have been the wind she heard, "Help us. Please open the box and let us out, Pandora."
Her fingers pulled her long black hair out of her way and she placed her naked ear against the box to see if she was being deceived. Faintly, but more clearly than before she heard, "Pandora, let us out. We need to be free."
With great hesitation she decided to peek inside to see if whoever was asking for her help looked like someone she would like to help. When she fingered the cord holding the chest closed, she was surprised that the knot fell open in her hands. She placed her hands on the edges of the lid. Casting her eyes around she looked to see if Epimetheus could see her. He could not. Faintly the voices cried again. With a stern resolve she began to lift. The box, instead of being hard to open as she anticipated, opened easily.
Pandora was expecting to be able to look and see who or what had called her. Instead the creatures of the box flew out in a torrent. Round her head and body they flew quickly stopping only long enough to bite and sting. Each of them were hateful spiteful creatures. She tried to shut the lid to stop their rush for freedom but they had escaped. After they tortured her for long moments they flew off to seek Epimetheus. What had she done?
She cried softly as she sat on the green grass under the pale sun and leaned against the box. Tears stained her beautiful face and she hung her head in shame. For though the creatures had not identified themselves something in her knew who they were.
Her bitter tears were amplified by the screams of Epimetheus as he was attacked without mercy. Finally when his cries had faded, Pandora heard a small sweet voice ask, "Pandora, can you please release me?"
"Why should I? Didn't you see who they were?"
"Of course I did, they are my sisters. But I can assure you I am not like them."
Pandora who felt all was lost sadly opened the box. A beautiful sprite with gossamer wings flew shimmering into the sunlight. Round and round her body the creature flew lighting only when a sore was encountered. As the creature touched the hurt -- it was gone. When Pandora had been healed completely the creature flew to heal Epimetheus. Pandora sat back against the box and thought. Hope, she was certain that was the creature's name continued her healing.
In time the sprite flew back and rested exhausted on Pandora's shoulder. Pandora watched as the creature drifted painlessly into her flesh and took up residence in her heart. She knew she had been given the gift that, even though it could not erase the pain she had brought to the world, could make that pain easier.
She smiled a soft smile for knowing there is hope, and hope is sometimes enough.
Pandora's Box
retold by Robert Hoffman
As the mists of time part and show us the past we see that even before the time of men, before our puny struggles and trials, there was life on the earth. If we look closely we can see the battles of the Titans and the Olympians. Such battles as men have never witnessed raged. Mountains were cast down and trampled under the fierce feet of the Titans. Thunderbolts pierced the sky and the lightning crowned the ever-restless waves.
Every day brought another victory or defeat for the forces involved in the struggle. For countless ages the battle continued. In this time before man neither side was assured victory. Even the immortals themselves had doubts. In time, the immortals became stronger. Because of this the great war was finally stilled. Zeus and his family had won the war and as victors, divided the earth.
Poseidon, Zeus' brother, was given dominion over the sea and its creatures. Since the earth was mostly sea it was a high honor. Often Zeus would look from Olympus and see Poseidon dancing in the waves as he cast about the earth. Such tempests he could throw for fun. But Zeus knew there was more to this than was readily apparent. For when Poseidon threw his storms over the waters he was only keeping his skills sharp in case their enemies should rise.
To his brother, Hades, he gave the underworld. This was the end of all creatures and because of this was considered to be important -- if dreary and somber. Though even Zeus had trouble seeing into the gloom that constantly swept that hard land there came a time when he too could hear the lost souls moaning for their loss of life and love. Though Zeus shuddered when he heard their cries he knew his brother was well satisfied and that was important.
With each of his kin satisfied life became wonderful for the immortals. Each pleasure sought was a pleasure gained. Everything they wanted was theirs and more.
As much as each desired the tranquility and serenity of this life there was another part of them that longed for the changes brought by confrontation. Having no wish to resurrect their enemies Zeus cast about for some other way to amuse his brothers and sisters.
From the clay of the earth he created the first creature that could reason. Man, he called him. When his creation desired another name Zeus granted he be called Epimetheus.
Epimetheus lived much like the gods. Sickness and even death were unknown. He was content and because of this his actions became predictable.
From his high seat on Olympus Zeus watched Epimetheus go about his day in happiness. Zeus gave Epimetheus dominion over the earth and its creatures. Epimetheus responded by praising Zeus. Zeus relished his praise.
But endless praise, in time, becomes as boring as no praise and Zeus decided to help his creation by giving him a mate. He called his brothers and sisters together and told them of his plan, "We must make this creature, this woman, to be like Epimetheus and yet unlike him. Where we took the best of all of us and created the man, this woman must be different."
"What do you mean, different?"
"Poseidon, this creature must be different in every way from man. Where man is hard, she will be soft. Where man is strong she will be weak. Where man is foolish, she will be wise. Where man is brave she will be timid. Where man shall be scared she will be brave."
"But, when they combine their talents won't they rival us?"
"Of course, but we won't tell them." Zeus said with a smile.
"You know best, brother. What can we give to help?" The sea god said as his beard began to dry and blow in the freshening breeze. Zeus rose from the throne and walked among them. With a stern look over his marble-like face he said, "From each of you I want the opposites in the world. When we give the woman the gift of love, we will also give the gift of jealousy. Where we give creature weakness, we must give her strength. We will make her appearance rival that of Aphrodite, but her insecurity will cause her to become vain. In time all of the contrary elements we can bring will be combined."
"Zeus, what shall you call this woman?"
"Hades, I shall call her Pandora.
"I see. Pandora means all. Very good."
And so the elements of the earth were gathered and separated according to their properties. To an intelligent mind the gift of an overwhelming curiosity was given. Zeus asked Athena why she gave this pair. Athena replied, "Though they seem to not be the opposite, they truly are. For as much as curiosity can lead to knowledge, curiosity eventually leads to the loss of that same knowledge. While knowledge is good and strong, it can be weakened by the need to know too much."
Zeus, a cloud passing over his countenance, finally smiled. "I see, Athena, but will the subtlety be lost on these creatures?"
"Perhaps. Perhaps. But we must give them the chance to be more together than they can ever be alone. Don't you agree?"
"Yes, I do." He said with the cloud moving away and the light of his smile warming the hearts of all.
When Epimetheus found Zeus' gift he was delighted. She was clever with her fingers and could do many of the things that troubled him. For all the time he had been living he had never managed to be patient enough to weave leaves together into a cup for the pure water that flowed from the earth. She mastered this almost immediately and Epimetheus took special care to thank the gods for their wonderful gift.
But on Olympus complacency soon lead to boredom and one day after a tiring day of hearing himself praised he called Hades to him. "Listen, I want you to go to the dark places you know so well and gather what you find. I want the sprites of disease, hunger, hopelessness, cruelty, and the rest. Bind them into a strong box and bring it to me."
"What for, brother?"
"Hades, I have my reasons. Please do as I ask."
"Of course."
The sun shone brightly overhead for the morning rain had passed leaving the world lush and green. Together Pandora and Epimetheus sat under an olive tree and tasted of the sweet gift of Athena once more. Up the road they saw a man walking carrying a heavy box. Together they ran to see if they might be of some help. Pandora asked, "Can we help carry your burden?" The traveler looked deeply into her eyes and with a hint of sadness said, "Yes, I suppose you must."
Together Epimetheus and Pandora picked up the large box and carried it as they led the stranger to the shade of the olive tree. Placing the box down gently Pandora ran to fetch some clear water. Quickly she fashioned the reeds into a cup and brought the cool drink to the stranger.
With a sigh he accepted her gift and drank deeply of the blood of the earth. The stern look on his face finally began to ease and he knew he must continue his journey. "If it wouldn't be too much to ask, could I leave my chest here for a while? I need to hurry to complete my journey." Epimetheus looked over the young man and smiled, "Of course. Your box will be safe with us. Come after it when you will -- it will be here."
"Listen, Epimetheus and Pandora, you must not attempt to look inside. There could be terrible consequences if you do."
Epimetheus nodded his understanding and smiled," Don't worry about it. Nothing will disturb your box."
Pandora nodded her agreement, but her eyes never left the carefully decorated box. When the young man left to continue his journey he was suddenly gone. Epimetheus smiled, as he knew that he must have been one of the immortals.
Days passed and the box stood where the stranger had placed it. Often Pandora would look at the beautiful designs carved into its surface and wonder. She thought that anyone who could create such beauty for the outside of a container must have something special beyond comprehension enclosed.
Athena's seed of curiosity began to grow. Soon Pandora was spending every waking hour examining the box. Though she could not read, she knew there were words written in gold on the top of the box. The carvings of the men and women were beautiful and for hours she would let her fingers trace the designs quietly while an ever-growing curiosity encompassed her.
One day when Epimetheus was away for a minute Pandora placed her ear close to the box to see if any sound would escape. In a voice so faint it might have been the wind she heard, "Help us. Please open the box and let us out, Pandora."
Her fingers pulled her long black hair out of her way and she placed her naked ear against the box to see if she was being deceived. Faintly, but more clearly than before she heard, "Pandora, let us out. We need to be free."
With great hesitation she decided to peek inside to see if whoever was asking for her help looked like someone she would like to help. When she fingered the cord holding the chest closed, she was surprised that the knot fell open in her hands. She placed her hands on the edges of the lid. Casting her eyes around she looked to see if Epimetheus could see her. He could not. Faintly the voices cried again. With a stern resolve she began to lift. The box, instead of being hard to open as she anticipated, opened easily.
Pandora was expecting to be able to look and see who or what had called her. Instead the creatures of the box flew out in a torrent. Round her head and body they flew quickly stopping only long enough to bite and sting. Each of them were hateful spiteful creatures. She tried to shut the lid to stop their rush for freedom but they had escaped. After they tortured her for long moments they flew off to seek Epimetheus. What had she done?
She cried softly as she sat on the green grass under the pale sun and leaned against the box. Tears stained her beautiful face and she hung her head in shame. For though the creatures had not identified themselves something in her knew who they were.
Her bitter tears were amplified by the screams of Epimetheus as he was attacked without mercy. Finally when his cries had faded, Pandora heard a small sweet voice ask, "Pandora, can you please release me?"
"Why should I? Didn't you see who they were?"
"Of course I did, they are my sisters. But I can assure you I am not like them."
Pandora who felt all was lost sadly opened the box. A beautiful sprite with gossamer wings flew shimmering into the sunlight. Round and round her body the creature flew lighting only when a sore was encountered. As the creature touched the hurt -- it was gone. When Pandora had been healed completely the creature flew to heal Epimetheus. Pandora sat back against the box and thought. Hope, she was certain that was the creature's name continued her healing.
In time the sprite flew back and rested exhausted on Pandora's shoulder. Pandora watched as the creature drifted painlessly into her flesh and took up residence in her heart. She knew she had been given the gift that, even though it could not erase the pain she had brought to the world, could make that pain easier.
She smiled a soft smile for knowing there is hope, and hope is sometimes enough.
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